
Specialist Endodontic Services at 42

At 42, we are able to offer the services of Specialist in Endodontics, Dr Vida Adib BDSc MSc MClinDent (Endo) MFDS RCS MRD RCSEd.

Vida is very experienced Specialist used to working at a very high level in a multi-specialist environment and has close working relationships with many GDP’s.

She routinely makes use of the latest digital imaging systems including CBCT technology and operates using a microscope. This gives her the ability to see much more detail and consequently to treat more complex canal structures.

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Vida's expertise also includes the treatment of nervous patients, pain diagnosis and management and extensive experience in each of the following:

If you have any patients that you feel may benefit from Dr Vida Adib's significant training and experience, she would be very happy to discuss any cases with you and delighted to take any referrals for advice and treatment.